Friday, September 19, 2008

View on Sarah Palin, rest of candidates are forthcoming

So now that I have a better understanding of who Sarah Palin actually is I am now going to like the rest of the country has been doing the past few weeks voice my opinion on Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin in my opinion is a very unqualified person for the job of being vice president of the United States of America, her experience consists of being on the city council and then the mayor of a little city in Alaska. She is now the the Governer of Alaska. That in a nut shell is all of her life’s political experience…….This is not my only reason for not liking Sarah Palin, she has supported quite a few propositions that I frankly don’t agree with at all such as the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere,” In 2006 there was a proposal included in a omnibus spending bill (a bill that basically allocates a lot of funds for various different budgets for government at once) to give over 400 million dollars to Alaska to fund a bridge to a little island off the coast of Alaska. Once this bill hit congress it was quickly striped down and never passed calling it a “Bridge to nowhere,” Ms. Palin ran for governor on platform of build the bridge. Eight months after becoming governor she continued to support this insane amount of money for a irresponsible earmark up until late 2007 when Palin changed her mind about the same time that public opinion went really south and against this bridge. Throughout her campaign Palin has consistently denied that she ever supported this bridge. Another main contrevsy that has ungulped Sarah Palin that I just cant get passed is that of the firing of Alaska’s Public Safety Commissoner for her reasons “was not a team player with budgeting issues.”, or the more likely reason which is that he didn’t fire Palin’s ex brother in law from the state trooper force. Palin at first denied any of it that there was no pressure put on him to fire her brother-in-law but later when an internal affairs investigation was started Palin then changed her opinion to "pressure could have been perceived to exist, although I have only now become aware of it." I just don’t belive that and don’t really trust her. I don’t agre.e with her proposed drilling in Alaska for oil including that of ANWR, she also has stated that global warming is not human-caused to her little bit of credit she did change her position to “humans may have contributed to global warming.” It is a fact that humans have been a major contributer to global warming. I totally disagree with her foreign policy view of pre-emptave military show of force, she also has supported a war with Russia.
Other views that aren’t just palin’s views but a lot of views by a lot of people include opposition to same-sex marriage, oppostion of abortion including in cases of incest and rape. I’m not trying to convince anyone to my views I’m just simply stating my views that I would like to not have a president that is eager to go to war and run major country decisions on emotions.


Josh M. said...

You mentioned Palin and her support of the "Bridge to Nowhere," what about this?

Article discusses how both Obama and Biden have voted TWICE to support the creation of the Bridge to Nowhere. At least Palin changed her mind.

Cody Bradford said...

Story is misleading they voted once on a ridiculus ammendemnt to the constitiution on which 80 other democratic senators voted as well. And they voted for a transportation bill once that included a 200 million dollar earmark for the bridge big difference between over 400 million that the original bill went to plus the bill they voted on was for transportation to Alaska not solely for the bridge.